Sports Injury Clinics

Solihull  - Tamworth - Atherstone
Telephone 0121 709 5222
achilles tendonitis    plantar fasciitis   tendonitis   ankle sprains    shinsplints    calf strains   knee pain

shoulder pain    tennis elbow   neck pain   trapped nerve   sacroiliitis    muscle strains     stretching advice

electrotherapy    video gait analysis    overpronation    laser foot scanning
The pelvis with 2 sacroiliac joints
Sacroiliitis or inflamed sacroiliac joint syndrome can be treated in Solihull West Midlands at the Solihull Sports Injury Clinic. Often referred to as sacroiliac joint dysfunction or SIJD.

We specialise in treating painful sacroiliac joints and have people travel miles to visit our Solihull clinic for our unique approach to sacroiliac joint treatment. We have launched a dedicated sacroiliac joint pain website

We have had enquiries from USA and treated patients from as far away as  Scotland, Yorkshire and France

Sacroiliac joint pain is generally one sided low back pain which can sometimes switch sides.  Symptoms vary but can give groin pain, pain around the hip and buttock and even refer pain down towards the knee.  On occasions men can experience testicle pain too!
At Atlas we have developed a unique successful treatment for sacroiliac pain and it works in 99% of cases in no more than 6 visits.  Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists or Acupuncturists do not use this treatment method because it was invented by John Williams of Atlas Pain Relief Centre and designed for use in his pain relief clinics.

Typical symptoms described are, struggling to lift the leg enough to put on shoes and socks, pain when turning in bed or getting up from a seated position and swinging your legs in and out of a car.  The pain can range from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing pain when moving in certain positions.

If you experience these symptoms you may have sacroiliitis, it will not show on any scan and many orthopaedic consultants are at a loss to treat it.  Injections will not treat this condition successfully so visit the experts and enjoy the success we offer.