Sports Injury Clinics

Solihull  - Tamworth - Atherstone
Telephone 0121 709 5222
achilles tendonitis    plantar fasciitis   tendonitis   ankle sprains    shinsplints    calf strains   knee pain

shoulder pain    tennis elbow   neck pain   trapped nerve   sacroiliitis    muscle strains     stretching advice

electrotherapy    video gait analysis    overpronation    laser foot scanning
Muscle Strains
Muscle strains or twinges are often discovered after hard physical exercise.  Overdoing it by prolonged gardening of lifting heavy objects can often strain muscles.

Low back pain is often associated with muscle strains if attempting to lift something too heavy.

Pulled hamstring or a pulled calf muscle is often a strain on the muscle during exercise.  Lack of warm up exercise can often result in a muscle strain

Solihull Sports Injury Clinic have specialists in Sports Therapy, Physiotherapy and Sports Massage who can help you get back to full fitness and out of pain

Stretching tight muscles and strengthening weak muscles can help prevent further muscle strains.  This is a typical regime from a physiotherapist who can prescibe and demonstrate the appropriate exercise regime for you.

Sports massage and electrotherapy can help injury recovery and postural advice may help remove the initial cause of the problem.
Muscle strains
Soft tissue work such as sports massage will increase blood flow into injured muscle tissue and   promote recovery.

Electrotherapy will also promote faster recovery and can help reduce swelling and pain.

Visit Solihull Sports Injury Clinic if you have a muscle strain and let our Solihull Sports Physiotherapists provide the physiotherapy you need for a speedy recovery
Sports massage and electrotherapy treatment
Muscular strains and muscular pain treated at Solihull Sports Injury Clinic in West Midlands